Thursday, October 8, 2015


Seed Letters! What letters are in your name? C is counting to see how many letters are in her name. When she was done counting, she glued a seed to each letter.

Dancing to tunes!

M is asking S if she wants to dance.

The kids are making piles of 3 seeds.

The kids passed around a tiny seed while we sang, "The Tiny Seed" song. 

Everyone took turns exploring the tiny seeds. 

They cut out leaf shapes from a paper plate. Then, they painted the leaves and core to make an apple.

Nice work!

The children explored cutting an apple to see how many seeds were inside. 

S is enjoying a tasty snack!

The kids discovered there were 6 seeds in the apple.

The kids took turns rolling a die, and added the matching number of seeds to their chart.

The children are exploring by placing tiny seeds on the first letter in their name.

K used pumpkin seeds to cover his letter K.

Mother Goose Time

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