Monday, October 26, 2015


The children gathered leaves and other nature items to explore. We discussed how leaves come in different shapes and sizes.

K placed nature items on the table and a cloth over the top. Now, he is pounding it to see if the colors will bleed through to make a colorful surprise. 

C is pounding on yellow flowers.

The kids are getting ready to cut leaves. They learned that leaves lose their color in the fall because trees stop producing chlorophyll. The chlorophyll keeps leaves looking green.

M is trying to reach for the red leaf.

S likes her leaf so much, she tried to eat it. :)

S is painting her leaf red.

The kids are exploring mixing colors of paint.

C is making a caterpillar with a pipe cleaner and beads.

Nice work!

K is weaving his caterpillar in and out of the holes.

Time for some fun outdoors!

S and I hanging out!

S wants to teach the class today.

K is trying to find something green in the room to paint.

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