Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Say Sorry!

What should you do when you hurt someone? 

The kids passed around the letter K, and took turns blowing a kiss for the letter K.

The children are singing "I bumped into my friend". 

Ooop's, I'm sorry!

The kids are dancing and gently bumping into each other to practice apologizing to one another.

The children are exploring kicking balls.

Getting ready to play a game called "Kicking on the K."

The children learned it is okay to kick balls when you are playing soccer, but it is not okay to kick your friends.

M is kicking a ball along the letter K made from tape. If he hit the koala, he said, "I'm sorry."

The kids are exploring with a piece of yarn. K made a letter B.

N made a circle.

Each child drew a face without a mouth. They cut a piece of yarn and glued it on to make a mouth for their face. 

M did a great job cutting his yarn with scissors.

Each child took turns rolling a die and writing the number that matched on a sheet of paper.

I love that smile!

The kids worked together to build a structure with blocks. 

After they were done, they took turns throwing a ball into a basket. If they knocked over the blocks, they apologized and worked together to re-build the structure. 

The kids had fun playing in the snow.

S does not know what to do in the snow yet. She'll figure it out soon enough.

Sled rides!

The kids are working in their monthly journals.

Ring around the Rosie!
Mother Goose Time

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