Wednesday, October 28, 2015


What do we know about apples?
Mother Goose Time
S learned how to open and empty out my drawers. She is growing up so fast.

Circle Time!

S loves to sit in front of our circle time board.

The kids are reciting a rhyme, "In the Apple Tree."

M is our weather person for the day. He said it is sunny outside!

K is raising his fists high, just like an apple in a apple tree.

The kids are exploring with sand (dirt)! We learned that seeds need water to grow.

I had the little ones explore with rice. I felt it was a safer option since they still like to put things into their mouths. S had fun digging, touching, and grabbing rice with her hands. 

I showed the children the cover of a book and asked them to guess what the book might be about. K said it looked like the book was about apples. 

K's prediction was correct. I read the kids a book about Johnny Appleseed. 

Now, they are creating their own Johnny Appleseed puppet. The children are decorating their puppets with the clothing pieces and pot hat's that came in our kit. 

K colored and applied glue to her puppet.

S is waiting patiently, so I can help her make a puppet too.

K & M learned the parts of an apple tree. They are trying to create different parts of an apple tree.

S thought she would give it try as well.

I see a tree in the making.

Nice work K!

The instructions called for me to tape the life cycle of a tree card to the table. Instead, I chose to do this activity on the floor. This gave my babies and opportunity to join in on the fun. 

I showed the children the life cycle of a tree on the cards provided. Afterwards, they took turns turning cards over. When the cards were all turned over, the children worked together to put the cycle of an apple tree in order. 

We learned that an apple tree starts out as a seed. It grows into a sapling, it blossoms into flowers, and then it produces apples. 

M is holding our Global friend for the world map. He is searching for the purple continent or the continent that begins with A. M learned that our Global friend is from Australia and she loves to eat apples.

Monday, October 26, 2015


What do you know about cherries? 

C is counting the days to see what the date is today. 

K determined that today is the 20th day of October. 

The children are singing, "I'm a Little Cherry Tree" to the tune of "I'm a Little Tea Pot."

I'm a little cherry tree way down low. (Squat Low.)
I'm just a sapling, watch me grow. (Rise up and stretch arms.)
Look at all the flowers on my tree. (Bend side to side.)
That's when the bees come to pollinate me. (One child buzzes around the cherry trees.)

I love her smile. 

How do you think the life of a cherry tree is similar to that of an apple tree? 

The children are mixing and painting with colors.

K is testing out his skills in photography.

K took a photo while I assisted the children in making arm prints with paint for their cherry tree. 

M dipped popcorn in red paint and glued it on his cherry tree. 

The kids learned that a cherry tree starts out as a seed. It grows into a sapling. Then, the cherry tree grows flowers, and in the final stage it grows cherries. We determined that the stages of a cherry tree are similar to the stages of an apple tree. 

The children are exploring with fruit beads.

M is threading the fruit beads onto a pipe cleaner.

C is attempting to create a pattern with fruit beads. 

K created a pattern using oranges and cherries.

M is slicing through a peach to reveal the pit inside. 

Now, they are enjoying a tasty treat. 

Cherry Toss! The children are taking turns tossing a red pom pom (cherry) to hit a letter taped on the door. K is touching the letter "F."

S is having fun throwing her pom pom while she crawls across the room. 

It's time for a walk, so we can hunt for trees.  

Wagon Rides!

C is saying "Tree" in sign language. The kids learned that trees provide shelter and food for animals. Trees also help give us fruit and help clean the air we breathe.