Friday, September 25, 2015

Self Concept!

Yesterday, I noticed a couple of the kiddos playing together. One of them became frustrated when they could not agree who would push the play grocery cart. As I watched from afar to see how they would react, I noticed one of the girls immediately begin to cry and yell. I walked over to the girls and calmly reminded the child who was crying that she should use her words to express her feelings versus crying and raising her voice. She immediately wiped her tears and asked the other child in a calm voice if she could push the cart. Of course, the other child allowed her friend to play with the cart without any further discussion. I praised both of them for their efforts on trying to get along. I also noticed for the rest of the day that both children were conscious of their reactions to certain situations. I observed them on several different occasions using their words to express their feelings to one another verbally without losing control of their emotions. Mother Goose Time

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