Sunday, September 13, 2015

Getting to Know You!

What do you Know about your best friend?

Singing a song called "Do You Like" to the tune of "The Muffin Man".  Here you see the kids acting out parts of the song. Do you like to crawl around, crawl around, crawl around. 

F Is for Fox! We discussed which animals can be our friends, and why some animals would not make good pets. 

K is using the letter 'F" to make a fox.

M is proud of his fox!

What do you think you could teach a friend? Each child received a ball, so they could try and do different tricks with it. C made a basket.

Each child passed around the Hands on Number One card and shared with the group what their favorite sport is. C said her favorite sport is soccer. She is pretending to kick the soccer ball once.

K is pretending to kick a soccer ball.

Elephant and Friends game! The kids are taking turns spinning and moving their playing pieces to the next matching space on the board.

C is spinning to see which color she will get next.

Gotta love playing outdoors!

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Cooperative Sandwich! The children explored different ingredients for making a sandwich. They were supposed to work in pairs to make a sandwich, however, it turned into a "make your own sandwich" activity. 

They enjoyed tasting the different foods and shared with each other which foods they preferred or disliked. 

C liked hers so much she started to eat the sandwich before she could get all of her ingredients inside the bun.

C is helping with the calendar for the month of September. 

F is for friend!

M loves to dance too!

C and K are singing and dancing to tunes!
Mother Goose Time

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