Wednesday, September 9, 2015

You Are Special!

How are you similar to others? M says he has hands.

What do you only have one of on your body? 

The kids are playing with Tangrams to see what type of designs they can create. K made two designs that are the same.  

C is proud of her design.

Each child has a Tangram. They are taking turns calling out one body part and adding their Tangram to the counting card. 

The kids are searching the room to find something they like to place it into a bag. Afterwards, they all took turns explaining which items they chose to place in their bags. 

It was a rainy day today, so we decided to go for a walk.

The kids love to dance!

K is helping out with the circle time display.

The kids are making a "I am special" tree. They examined their hands and compared them with one another. Then, they took turns tracing their hand and arm to make the tree. Afterwards, they used their finger prints to make leaves. 

Today, the kids learned what makes them special. They discovered that their hands were all different sizes. They learned that everyone has finger prints that make them unique. They also had fun counting and dancing with each other. 

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