Monday, September 14, 2015

Places Friends Meet!

Where do you see friends?

Circle Time! 

C is the calendar person for September.

I introduced the shape of the month today. 

Each child took turns buying pretend cookies with real coins, then shared it with a friend.

M bought a tasty cookie to share with his friend.

The kids are building paths with blocks and playing with toy cars.

I set out three baskets of toys and encouraged the children to walk by and  peek at the toys. Then encouraged them to sit next to their favorite basket. Afterwards, they explored the toys in each box. 

For the next activity, I set out two game cards and gave each child a bus counter. They each took turns placing their bus counter on their favorite card. 

S is exploring the box of toys.

I separated the children into groups of two and encouraged them to share space while coloring. 

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K and M are sharing space. They are drawing together nicely. 
Mother Goose Time

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