Friday, September 4, 2015

Saying Hello!

Circle Time Dance!
M is the "Light Keeper" for September!

The children are cutting out clothes for their "Friend Puppets."
Bus Stop Colors! The children took turns driving their bus counters to different colored bus stops. 
Global Friends! 
The children moved their body in different ways to say "hello." Then, they practiced writing their names onto a nametag. 
C lined up her bus counters in a row.
Outdoor Fun!

C is observing her facial features in the mirror. Afterwards, the kids played a matching card game of different characters saying "hello" around the world. They discussed some of the similarities and differences between them.

Overall, the kids had a fun filled day. We were all excited to start a new school year. They learned different ways to say hello, and took turns showing different ways to move their body. 

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