Friday, September 25, 2015


The children played a game called, "Petanque" [pay-tonk]. They discussed which games make them feel happy,and which ones make them feel frustrated. They learned that children in France like to play Petanque. Each child took turns throwing a wad of paper from behind a line and measured the distance. 

Happy baby!

The children explored and cut out photos of people with different expressions. 

K became frustrated when she couldn't cut her pictures out by herself. I encouraged her to rip the paper instead of trying to use scissors.

We read a story aloud and the children made a face for every emotion word they heard in the story. The children taped a sausage to their nose when it happened in the story. They discussed that happiness comes from the heart and not from the things they buy. 

Dancing to tunes!
  Mother Goose Time

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