Friday, September 25, 2015


How do you look when you are sad? I cut out blue and yellow strips of paper, and had the children practice making  happy and sad faces. When I waved the blue paper, they practiced making sad faces, and the children made happy faces when I waved the yellow strip of paper. 
Sad face!

The children are singing a song about the days of the week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and then we start again. Whoo!

C is the calendar person for September. 

The kids are showing me how their lips move when they are sad. 

K is practicing sad faces in the mirror.

The children are decorating mirror boards 

The children are getting ready to play the Happy/ Sad Game. It's  similar to "Red Light, Green Light". The kids skip and run when they see me lift the happy face. When they see me lift the sad face, they sit down and pretend to cry.

I set out the Tangrams and the children traced around them onto a piece of paper.

Afterwards, I placed several shapes into a bag and had the children pull out a shape. Then, they searched for a matching shape from the pile of tangrams and traced it onto their paper. 

The children discussed a time they felt sad. Then, they each took turns carrying a doll and rocked it back and forth. Afterwards, they took turns role playing what they could say to make a friend feel better if they were sad. 

I love that smile.

The kids are working in their journals. 

K is working on the letter P in his journal.

Outdoor fun!

Mother Goose Time

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