Thursday, May 7, 2015


The kids learned how to make diamond shapes with their fingers. 

S was excited to show me his hand made binoculars.

K is the calendar person today.

The children are singing "Old McDonald Had a Garden," and are taking turns placing shapes in the center of the circle.

We discussed what kinds of plants grow from a seed. C said watermelons grow from a seed. 

The kids are making shapes using our Multi-Size Tangram shapes from a previous MGT kit.

Look, a bridge!

We read a story about Jack and the Beanstalk. Afterwards, the children discussed what a seed needs to grow. We all agreed that seeds need water and food to grow. Finally, the children each drew a picture of what happened to the seeds in the book. 

Nice work K!

All the kids became excited about picking their own magazine. They looked in them to find pictures of clothing we would wear to do gardening. 

L said, "This outfit is for gardening."

You can't tell from the view, but C did great job drawing his garden.

L is drawing herself in her garden. She is wearing the same outfit she picked out of the magazine. 

Exploring seeds! This project was a lot of fun. The kids had fun scooping, picking, and counting seeds from the variety of veggies and fruits. 

L said the tomato seeds tasted like soup. I believe her observation was on target. 

I was surprised to see all of the kids enjoying different fruits and vegetables. 

Outdoor fun!

L noticed the stems on the plant including the roots hanging on the bottom. 

Great pic C!

Gravel fun!

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