Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sun and Water!

Taking turns pointing to the number line, and counting by clapping our hands, stomping our feet etc.

C pointed to number 20. Everyone chimed in by helping her to count to 20.

C is clapping 20 times in a row. 

The lesson called for potted plants, but this was all I had. I felt it worked just fine,. The kids each took turns talking about the different parts of a plant. We talked about how plants need water to grow. Everyone got to look at the flowers, feel the stems, leaves, and the petals. 

C is feeling the stem of the tulip.

L said the petals are soft.

I explained that the whole plant including the stem, leaves, roots and flower need water to grow. Then, the kids took turns tasting different flower parts. Some examples we used for our experiment  were broccoli for a flower, or carrot for a root. 

S loved the carrots. In fact, he had a hard time keeping them on his placemat. 

K enjoyed eating the seeds.

Building with blocks as a warm up exercise to get ourselves ready for a numbers game. 

We discussed what might happen if a seed gets too much rain or sun. We learned that a seed can drown if they get too much water. We also learned that a seed can shrivel up and die if they get too much sun. L is drawing a number card to play a counting game about sun and rain. 

L (a flower) needed 10 steps to make it to the water. She drew a 9 instead. Needless to say, she pretended to shrivel up and die because she was thirsty for more water. 

K made it to the water. Yay!

S decided to jump 10 steps. 

The kids are drawing on the cover of their new journals.

Nice work S!

Take a drink! I explained to the kids that we also need water to survive. I also explained that kids need to drink 8 ounces of water each day. 

The children took turns filling up a measuring cup with 8 ounces of water, and poured it into a cup. 

C is doing a great job filling her cup of water.


K is up to something! I can tell by the smile on her face. :)

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