Saturday, May 30, 2015


The children learned crows like to visit gardens.

The kids are having fun following movements in a AABBCC pattern.

The kids learned crows like to eat fruit, grains, seeds, rabbits, mice and eggs. They followed me to the refrigerator to try and guess which foods they think a crow would eat. M thinks a crow would eat the vegetables in the container.

K is pointing to the mustard.

Each child is taking turns cutting their cards for a game. 

The children are building tall towers using blocks. They are pretending to be crows by making different sounds. 

The kids are looking in the mirror to determine what kind of face a person would need to make to scare a crow.   

The kids are working together to build different scarecrows. Some of the scarecrows are happy. Some of them are scary.

The children learned that crows are highly intelligent birds. They can pick up various items using their beaks. The children  are trying to pick put items just like a crow by using spoons and other tools from the kitchen.

C picked up blocks with spoons.

M successfully picked up a piece of yarn with his tongs.

C is giving me a high five because she is awesome!

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