Wednesday, May 13, 2015


The kids are playing a game where they get to explore shapes, and build flowers using pattern blocks. Each player gets to roll a die, then they choose the same amount of blocks. Their job is to create something with the blocks, then trace around the objects to make a plant. 

L made a flower shape. She did a great job tracing her set of blocks.

C picked 5 blocks and is attempting to make a flower. 

D made a bow tie with her pattern blocks.

D said the blade of grass is alive because it is green.

The kids are watching me place a clear plastic bag over some leaves on the tree. We are doing this to see what happens to the plant leaves. Over time, the bag should collect water from the leaves. This all ties into what we have learned so far about leaves. We learned the stem of a plant carries water to the leaves. 

C is pointing to the stem.
I asked C to pick up the star. She went over and picked it up with ease. I was amazed she knew the star shape.
Singing a song called "One leaf, Two leaves". The children are walking in a circle until the song comes to a hault. Then, they have to name the letter they stopped on. 
The children are taking turns naming different parts of a plant. At first, they had a hard time just naming the parts by themselves. So, I started calling out different plant parts and let each child take turns pointing to the different parts of a flower.

Busy at work!

C has done a great job organizing his plant parts and labeling them.

K is proud of her work.

So far, our bag has become foggy on the inside with a little bit of moisture. We are going to let it sit out a little longer before we attempt to take the bag off.  

L pointed out that the differences between these two leaves. 

K made it up the slide. 

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