Saturday, May 30, 2015


D is fascinated to see the flowers leaves turning blue from our last experiment. 

I cut out different shapes (mole holes), and placed them on the floor. Then, I named a shape and called each child to find that specific shape. All of the children did a great job searching for their shape. 

The children are pretending to be moles digging in the ground while I sing a song. 

The children discovered that moles are nearly blind. They use their nose to find their way around in the tunnels.

I prepared various different containers with vinegar, lemon juice, and peanut butter. Each child took turns smelling the containers and trying to determine what scents they are smelling.

All the children agreed that the vinegar smell was yucky. 

The kids learned that moles like to eat roots of plants. They enjoyed playing a card game. They took turns rolling the card cube, and matched the color on the cube to the pictures on the game board.

The children learned that moles eat and sleep in underground tunnels. They took turns finding small places to crawl under, so they can pretend they are underground.

The children helped me roll cardboard tubes, and tape them to the wall. We did not have marbles, so the kids used pom pom balls, small plastic balls, and cars to run through the wall tunnels. 

C likes to put her car through the tunnels. 

The children enjoyed their short story about moles. They followed along using their finger, and clapped at the end of each sentence. 

M likes the story about the mole.

C is drawing a picture of his favorite food.

We decided to play in the tunnels for some fun. This was great way to end our lesson about moles.

D is trying to connect the two tunnels to make it longer. 

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