Sunday, May 24, 2015


The kids love listening and dancing to our circle time song.

M is explaining how a weed can be harmful to a plant.

L is showing M where to put the date for today.

I showed the children the friendship feather. I told them something that was not true about myself. I told them my pants were white, when in fact they were blue. I explained that I was not being truthful with them. Then, I told them something that was truthful. This helped the children to see what it is like to tell the truth and a lie. Each child got a chance to say something truthful about themselves. K decided to point to her blue shirt.

C pointed to her shoes.

The children found a partner, so they can pull each other back and forth to simulate pulling weeds.

You cannot tell here, but K is sitting directly in front of me. We are pulling each other back and forth.

Each child got to take turns digging and pulling for weeds (yarn).

L  found 2 weeds.

The curriculum suggested we use dirt, instead I chose to use the colorful rice. 

The children learned that weeds can crowd plants. Weeds can steal sun and water from the plants which can cause them to die.

Where do you think you can find weeds? I encouraged the children to retell the story in their own words. I used prompts such as, "What happened next?. 

C & K did very well telling the story in their own words. L was very helpful by assisting the girls in telling their stories.

C arranged his story sequence cards, and now he is re-telling the story.

M told the story by looking at each picture. Then, he told us what happened in the picture.

L is telling us something truthful that she sees on our daily topic poster. She said there is a duck on the page.

C is pointing the weeds.

The children are displaying their honest friendship bracelets. They are proud they can be good friends by telling the truth.

Each child received a stick and yarn. They learned that weeds sometimes get tangled around the roots of a plant. The children are using the yarn to wrap it around the stick, and trying to see how they can unwrap it without hurting the yarn. 

Weed or fruit? How can you tell the difference between a weed and a fruit? The children learned that weeds look similar to plants and are sometimes hard to spot. The activity set for the children is a mixture of snacks. The children worked together to weed out the popcorn (weeds). Afterwards, they enjoyed a tasty snack. 

The kids are digging for weeds.

I forgot to post the pictures from our leaves activity. The children were excited to see how much water collected in their bag. 

L was excited to show me she found a root. Way to go L for recognizing what a root is. 

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