Sunday, May 24, 2015

Integrating music as a part of our daily lessons.

Every morning, the kids anxiously await to hear the circle time song play. They know once they hear it, it is time to dance. I can never get away with playing the song once. Once the song is over, they chant, "again, again". So, I put it on repeat, so it can play at least a few times before we get done. 

K loves to spin dolls, and toys around in circle during the circle time song.

The kids also enjoy holding hands with each other while the song plays. They do this until the song ends, then they all fall to their knees.

Circle time is fun and exciting for the children, and its fun for me. I like to dance with them, and I love watching them as they dance together. They display a lot of team effort skills by making sure everyone is included in the dance. 

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