Monday, February 22, 2016


Circle Time!
Mother Goose Time!

One of our kiddos has been talking about gymnastics all week. We decided to make an obstacle course mixed with gymnastics for fun. First, they jump off of the chair. 

Then, they crawl under the table.

Next, a somersault!

Crawl under the small table.

Finally, step over the red car. Then, it is time to start over. 

M is trying to do a cartwheel. 

M is showing us how to do knuckle push-ups. 

S said that was fun!

E is our weather person for today. He said it is snowy outside.

The kids are taking turns trying to pick up beans with chopsticks.

E picked up a bean and is placing it into the tray. The children learned that beans are considered as protein. 

Nice work!

It is time to go fishing! The children learned that fish is considered a protein. 
The kids are exploring with pipe cleaners and paper fish. C goes right to work by threading a pipe cleaner through the tip of a paper fish. 

M is showing us what he made with the materials. 

The kids are ready to go fishing.  

C is drawing a number. 

Now, it is her turn to sit in the boat (basket). The rest of the children will push her in the boat while she tries to catch the same number of fish.

Everyone is helping to push C's boat through the pretend water. 

E's turn to catch 4 fish. 

Ready, set, go!

S is counting the fish to see if he caught the right amount of fish.
Way to go!

S' turn to catch some fish.

Each child received a set of numbers from 1-10. S is placing his numbers in the correct order.

The kids are watching a short video about different food groups.

S is practicing by putting the paper foods into the appropriate food groups. We learned that protein helps us to build strong muscles. 

Outdoor fun!

The children are taking turns serving themselves. M is grabbing food from all four food groups. 

C enjoys eating protein.

S likes the fruit.

E is pouring his own milk.

Not bad!

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