Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Circle Time
Mother Goose Time
S enjoys dancing in the mornings.

M wanted to trace the letter " L" with his finger. 

S thought he would give it a try.

E is tracing the letter L with his left finger.

Today is the 3rd day of Febrero.

C says today is Wednesday. 
E is looking outside to see what the weather is like today.

Snow is in the forecast.

The kids are singing and dancing to a song about fruit. Now, they are trying their favorite fruit. 

M & E like lemons.

S is trying a piece of fruit. 

S is making a sour face. 

I filled a jar full of small items. Each child is taking turns pulling an item out of the jar. 

C pulled out a leaf. Leaf begins with the letter L.

M's turn.

M pulled out a letter J. His job is to place the letter J into the basket. 

S chose to remove the baby j from the jar. 

Look! He put the letters together. 

It is E's turn to pick something from the jar. 

The kids are playing catch.

S likes her green ball. 

The children are getting ready to make strawberries. They learned that strawberries have a lot of seeds. 

S is stamping his paper with paint to make lots of seeds. 

The children enjoyed the porcupine balls. 

C is using scissors to make a stem for her strawberry.

E's strawberry is all done. It looks great.


The sidewalk was very slippery. We had fun walking. 

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