Monday, February 15, 2016


Mother Goose Time
S enjoys helping with the calendar.

C and G love dancing to our morning songs. 

The kids are taking turns listening for a shape, pointing to it, and threading a bead onto a pipe cleaner.

Now, which color will S decide to use.

C picked out the heart shape. 

C is being careful while she places the bead onto the pipe cleaner. 

G is looking for the oval shape. 

M is helping her put a bead on. 

S' turn!

Uh oh! Beads are for threading not for eating. 

The kids decided to watch a short video of kids who live in a Maasai village. They learned that Maasai villagers wear beads for many reasons. Beads are a part of their culture. 

Now it is time to make our very own bracelet. 

C is holding up a bracelet that has a letter "S."

Three bracelets put together spell the word hit.

S would like to teach this lesson.

The kids are taking turns copying the shape patterns.

Now, it is time for fishing. 

E caught a fish.

This was a last minute activity that the kids wanted to do. We made fish with left over Mother Goose Time materials and magnets. 

The kids are making a tasty treat. It is supposed to look like a giraffe.They are using flour tortilla strips, peanut butter, and banana slices for spots. 


Selfie time!

Not bad!

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