Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Milk a Cow! I poked holes on the finger tips of several vinyl gloves. I set out a tub full of water, and observed the children as they tried to fill the gloves with water. 
Mother Goose Time!
They explored different ways to squeeze the glove, and spray the water. 

Outdoor fun!
 It as been very icy outside lately, so S is hanging out with me in the baby carrier. 

Dance Time!

G and S are having fun playing instruments.

What foods do we eat that are made from dairy (or dairy substitutes)?

The children are singing "Who Will Make the Cheese?"

They are passing around a toy (cheese block) as they sing.

Seek and Find Food! The children talked about what they like to eat and drink. 

E is observing the poster. He is investigating the poster and searching for broccoli.

M found the helmet.

G is attempting to count the days on the calendar.

The kids watched a short video about how milk is made. They learned that milk comes from a cow. 

S is looking in the mirror to find which body parts are similar, or different to the body of a cow.
M said a cow has 1 mouth. 

Parts of a cow! The children are assembling a paper cow.

Nice work!

S is proud of his cow.

More water play!

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