Wednesday, April 29, 2015

X-Ray Fish!

The children are enjoying a book about the ocean (it came in our MGT packet) before nap time.
Making our X-ray fish. 

L built a group of red fish with 7 blocks.
M & L built 2 schools of fish.
C said he has green eyes, and L has brown eyes.
The toddlers had fun digging for bones (pieces of yarn) in colored rice. I saved the rice from another MGT project a few months ago.
The kids are taking turns looking in the mirror to see how their features differ from each other. They are also looking for features that are the same.
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We discovered that X-ray fish like to eat worms, insects, and small crustaceans. The children had fun digging for bones in the sand.
The children took turns feeling for bones in their bodies. L & M discovered bones in their elbows.
C said his toy is clear, and he can see through it.

K searched for a toy that she could see through. She found a clear plastic bin.
M thinks it is really neat that he can see the letter X through the bag.
S put the hands on letter X in a transparent bag, so he can pretend it is fish bones.
We learned that an X-ray fish is transparent to hide from predators.
K is attempting to make a letter X with her fingers.
The children look forward to hearing our circle time song play every morning. When they hear the song play, they know its time to start our day.

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