Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter fun!

We started our day by discussing ways we celebrate Easter with our families.

We said a little rhyme called "Five Little Bunnies" to the same tune of "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed." The children had fun reciting the rhyme, and mimicking the movement of my fingers. 

C is in charge of the calendar for the month of April.

Once circle time was over we moved over to the tables and started working on painting our bunny faces. I assisted the children by helping them paint their hands and stamp the paper. The children had fun taking turns with the camera and snapping photos for me while I assisted each child. 

The next activity planned was the "Egg Hunt." We chanted, "Hunt, Hunt, Hunt for Eggs" and I called out a each child's name to hunt for eggs of a specific color. Most of them new their colors with ease. The older children assisted the younger ones by helping them select the right color eggs.

The children enjoyed opening and closing their eggs.

Our final activity for the day was "Guess How Many." Each child selected a number card that I prepared prior to class. The children took turns selecting a card with a number, and gathered the same amount of eggs. This was a fun engaging activity for the kiddos. They enjoyed choosing their number card and counting their eggs aloud.  

Overall, we had a great time counting, painting, and playing games. 

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