Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sea turtles!

C is playing a game  called, "Who Is Hatching."  Now he's sorting them by color to determine how many pairs of turtles he has collected.

The children are playing on a blanket (island) to see what it is like to live on an island. Afterwards, they played with blocks and created several pretend (block) islands for fun.

L is proud of her island.

The children learned that baby turtles hatch on the beach. When the egg hatches, the baby turtles  race to the water to get away from predators. Now they are playing a sea turtle race game. M is playing the predator, while the other children pretend to be baby turtles racing to reach the water. 

M caught 2 baby turtles.

As the children learn fun facts about turtles and tortoises, they have fun acting out the differences between the two. Some of the children are pretending to be sea turtles in the water, the others are crawling like tortoises.
What are the differences between turtles and tortoises?  L said that a tortoise's skin looks rough compared to a sea turtle. C noticed that the sea turtle has arms (like flippers) that allow it to swim in the water. 

K is pointing to The Gallapagos Islands on our world map. They learned that many beautiful creatures live there, including the green sea turtle.

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