Friday, April 3, 2015

Ocean Floor!

What do you think is on the bottom of the ocean? The children learned that strong winds create waves at the bottom of the ocean. They had fun building an ocean floor using blocks. The kids got to play in waves using a sheet, and made oyster pearls using pipe cleaner, beads, and a plate folded in half. Overall, the lesson was great today, and the children learned a lot about what they can find on the ocean floor. 
 For our playtime, I used a sheet instead of a blanket to try and create waves.

C suggested that we lay the sheet down, so they could swim. I thought that was a swell idea. Everyone got down low and pretended to be swimming in the ocean.

The kids are pretending to be an octopus in the ocean. C mentioned they needed 8 tentacles, so they grouped together to make 8 arms. 

K is Pretending to be a crab.
D is tracing the letter O with her finger.

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