Monday, March 7, 2016


What parts of your body do you use to jump? We decided to begin our day by doing stretches. S wanted to have the group participate in doing a "Butterfly" stretch. 

Flap those wings!

C wanted to try the "Tortoise" pose.

The children are trying to stand tall like a tree. Way to go! They are all doing great. 

All of this exercise made G thirsty. 

Some of the children are posing as a bridge for the the others to crawl under.
E almost didn't fit through the bridge. 

G is joining in on the fun. 

Let's dance!

The kids placed pillows along the floor to simulate a game of "Frogger".

At first, the little ones had a hard time trying to jump on the pillows. With a little help, they were able to jump like the older children. 

S liked the pillows so much, she buried her face in them.

S really enjoyed jumping on the pillows too.
Now, it is time to make a frog hat. The infants used their hands to paint their frogs.

Some tried to eat the green paint.

Nice work G! The older children took a wad of plastic wrap, and used it to stamp paint on their paper frog. This gave it a nice texture.

The kids are doing another jumping activity. This time they are trying to jump over one pillow.

S almost made it. Nice try!

You can do it, M!

Now that everyone has had a turn, they are adding another pillow on top. 

G is attempting to jump over 2 pillows. 

S leaps as high as he can.

K is helping us stack the pillows.

I don't know that stack looks very high.
M toppled over the pillows.

We strung a ribbon between two chairs. The kids are taking turns drawing a card. If the card has a word, they must make an attempt to read it, and jump over the ribbon.

If the card has a picture, they have to name the picture. Then, they must crawl under the ribbon.

S' card has a picture of a carrot. She is attempting to crawl under the ribbon.

K is not too sure how to play, but he is trying anyway.

M is trying to convince himself to jump without fear.

The children have been serving themselves all month since they have been learning about food and safety. They have been doing great.
C is doing a great job pouring her own milk.
S especially likes protein. 

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