Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Singing about horses is fun.

M is excited for his trophy.

L's necklace is too small to fit around his head. 

I had these necklaces from a previous lesson. I felt it was fitting to give one to everyone since they participated in the race. 

L kept track of the race times. 

C is waiting patiently for her turn to race.

The children played with their horse props. They had a pretend barrel race with their horses.

M & C are making their very own horse prop.

Giddy up Horse!

Horseshoe Toss!

I hid the horse counters throughout the room, and had each child search for them. 

The kids placed the horse counters on the counting card. They found thirteen in all. 

Team work!

C is standing on the letter H. She is trying to balance on it. 
E is balancing on the letter H.

Mother Goose Time!

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