Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Cowboy Boots!

The toddlers are helping me with the circle time board this morning.
S is showing the group what a boot looks like. He told us his boots keep his feet warm in the snow.

Mother Goose Time!
S is introducing a new shape to the group. 
E is holding up a brown square. The color brown in Spanish is marrĂ³n!
S' job today is to count the days of the week,
C is counting the leaves for us aloud.
M is attempting to make a square shape with his arms.
The kids are singing "The Cowboy Wears". They are pretending to put on a piece of cowboy clothing that is named in the song. M is putting on his handkerchief. 
S mentioned a horse in the song. He is riding his chair like a cowboy. 
S' cowboy riding is contagious. Now all of the kiddos are pretending to ride their horses.
 I wrote each child's name with a highlighter. Now, they are practicing to write by tracing the letters in their name. 
I placed tissue paper, cardboard boxes and plastic along the floor, so the kids can hear the different sounds as they walk/ stomp on the items. The kids are taking turns saying their name, and stomping for each syllable. M has identified that his name has 2 syllables. 
I asked the children what kind of designs they can see on boots. M pointed to his head and showed us the designs in his hair.  
The kids are engaged in designing their red boot activity.
S is dipping an object in paint. He is using it to stamp a design on his boot.
Outdoor fun!
The children had fun learning about boots today. They identified their name and stomped out syllables. The created designs on their boot activity and participated in dramatic play. The worked together and followed dancing instructions, and had fun counting items together in a group. 

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