Friday, November 27, 2015

Service Station!

Circle Time!

We reviewed the letter "C."
C is for cat!

M and C are driving their cars along the letter C. In addition, they are practicing sounding out the letter.

C says /k/

G thought she would join in on the fun.

The children talked about where they would take their car if it broke down. Now, they are parking their car at a service station (tub with water) to repair it.They explored playing with cups, funnels and Basters to see what it is like to work at a service station.

S really enjoyed playing in the water. 

M and C are making a tool box. They learned that a tool box is used to carry tools that are needed to fix cars. 

M is writing his name on the front.

S and K are having fun in the bins.

K is pretending to eat garlic bread.

G is trying to count to the number 5.

C  said it is snowing outside, so she is looking for the picture with snow. 
Mother Goose Time!

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