Friday, November 13, 2015


Sour Lips! What do you know about lemons? I sliced lemons and oranges for the children to explore. Then, I had them write or draw about what they discovered. M discovered that lemons were sour. K thought the oranges tasted sweet.

G likes to eat oranges. Mother Goose Time

C is thinking about tasting the lemon. She isn't too sure though.
The taste test!
Pucker up!
The kids are now rolling the shape cube. Their job is to name the shape and find the matching shape in the pile of Tangrams. 
M rolled a triangle.
The kids took turns looking in the mirror after tasting a lemon to see what kind of face they made. 

M likes lemons.

S tried the orange and loved it. I don't think she likes the taste of a lemon though. 

Sweet girl!

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