Monday, November 16, 2015


What should you do if you are lost? M says he should try and find his mommy. 
S wants to be a teacher like her mom.

M is counting the days to see what date it is today.

She said it was cloudy today.

C is matching the red paint brush to something red she found on the World Map.

We sang "Read a Map" to the tune of "The Muffin Man," and now M is trying to the find the animal that was named in the song. 

The kids explored by looking at a real map. Now, they are attempting to make their very own map.

Not bad!

We decided to move the activity to the floor, so the little ones could help us.

The children are enjoying a book called "A Ride for Duck."


How do you get around in your neighborhood? C said she rides with her daddy in a car.

The kids are decorating their new journals for the month.

M is drawing himself in a vehicle.

Now, the kids are playing cars on their map. They learned that a map can tell them how to get from one place to the next. They also learned that a map can help them if they are lost. 

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