Monday, January 11, 2016

Packing up!

S is counting the days to determine what the date is today. 
Mother Goose Time!
S & K are my helpers this morning. 

I cut two holes on top of a box, so the little ones could drop spools, or other items inside and shake them out for fun. 

Singing "Don't Forget," to the tune of "London Bridge." 

Don't forget to pack your hat, pack your hat, pack your hat.

S is for Socks! The children are selecting a sock, so they can attempt to make it into a letter S.

The children are working together so they can make one large letter S.

M, C, and E formed socks into a boat. Now, they are taking turns jumping into the boat made from socks. 

S did not seem very interested in forming socks into a letter S. I know he is very fascinated with dolphins though. So, we worked together to form a dolphin. He liked it so much, he did not want to mess it up. 

S is helping with the boat.

S is not quite ready to jump off of a chair like the older kids, so she is using a step stool to climb onto. 

The kids are finding yellow items that match the yellow paintbrush, and packing them into the suitcase.

C found a yellow school bus. 

E found yellow corn.

S is helping pack the suitcase with items that she has found. 

S for sunglasses.

The children are taking turns finding the items on a checklist, so they can pack their suitcase.

They had fun identifying the items on the list and checking it off.


It is time to make our Safari hats.

The little ones tore their paper into tiny pieces. 

E did a nice job cutting his paper into smaller pieces.


Outdoor fun!

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