Tuesday, December 22, 2015


What type of Animal could play a piano? The children explored by pretending to be different animals. They demonstrated how different animals might play a piano. 
The children listened to a story about different animals that could play a variety of instruments. 

Dance time!

S is my helper during circle time!

Snow again!

I asked M to count 10 stars by tapping his foot on each star.

C is counting 5 stars.

G is excited because it is her turn to count stars. 

Instead of tapping her foot on each star, S decided she wanted to pick them up. 

 E is sorting sheets of paper by color.

M matched two purple strips of paper.

C is matching the green strips of paper. 

The kids are cutting the music notes apart, so they can play a matching color game.

E is very good at using scissors.

Way to go!

It is much more fun to place the music notes into the pink pot. 

C is pretending to be a bear playing a piano.

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