Tuesday, December 22, 2015


     Mother Goose Time!
Circle Time!

M is the calendar person for the month of December. 

E is the weather person for December. He said it was snowy outside, so he is looking for the sign that represents snow. 

The kids are sorting the blocks into groups of seven.

M is pretending to build an ice structure.

E is attempting to scoop crushed ice with a spoon.

C is having a hard time trying to scoop the blocks of ice. They are very slippery.

C is pouring vinegar into a cup.

E is adding a few drops of red food coloring to the vinegar.

M sprinkled baking soda on the ice.

Now, M is using a dropper to pour vinegar onto the ice.

The vinegar and baking soda caused the ice to make a fizzing sound.

Ice Fishing! The kids experimented with ice and string. E attempted to pick up ice with a string, but he was unsuccessful.

M helped me pour water on the ice. Then he poured salt all over the top.

S is trying to pick up the ice with the string.

It was a success. The ice, salt and water mixture melted the ice on the string. 

E is decorating his house.

G is getting really good at drawing. 

S likes to climb onto the couch. 

E is using his dropper to drip paint onto his house.

C is sprinkling white glitter over the paint. This will create a silvery effect.

Our "Ice Fishing" recipe card.

Dance time!

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