Friday, November 27, 2015

Service Station!

Circle Time!

We reviewed the letter "C."
C is for cat!

M and C are driving their cars along the letter C. In addition, they are practicing sounding out the letter.

C says /k/

G thought she would join in on the fun.

The children talked about where they would take their car if it broke down. Now, they are parking their car at a service station (tub with water) to repair it.They explored playing with cups, funnels and Basters to see what it is like to work at a service station.

S really enjoyed playing in the water. 

M and C are making a tool box. They learned that a tool box is used to carry tools that are needed to fix cars. 

M is writing his name on the front.

S and K are having fun in the bins.

K is pretending to eat garlic bread.

G is trying to count to the number 5.

C  said it is snowing outside, so she is looking for the picture with snow. 
Mother Goose Time!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Traffic Signs!

M is looking at stickers that are red, yellow and green. We had a discussion about traffic lights. The children learned that a yellow light warns drivers to slow down.
Mother Goose Time!

We played a game of "Red Light, Stop Light."


The kids had fun panting their traffic lights.

The little ones had fun painting their traffic signs as well. 

Friday, November 20, 2015


Circle Time!

Introducing the number 5! The children are working together to build 5 roads.

M is counting the number of days on the calendar. 

Singing "Let's Jump on the Road" to the tune of "The Farmer and the Dell."

Build a Road Art! We discussed how roads are made. Now, the children are cutting black paper into strips to make roads. 

C is gluing her paper roads to green paper.

C is drawing lines in the middle of the road with a white crayon.

C is attaching signs to her road. 

It is time to go for a drive.

The paper signs were easy to set up. 

C is tracing her name. 

We created roads on the floor with masking tape and blocks and used the name tags in place of road signs. The children had fun wheeling their toys from one street to the next.

Traffic Jam Game! 

Building a small town with road signs!

M used black strips of paper to make roads. 

The children set out road signs. They are taking turns rolling a movement cube and weaving through the cones according to each prompt.  

Mother Goose Time!