Saturday, July 25, 2015


When I first started my in-home preschool it was very difficult for me. I did not have the balance of professionalism a caregiver needed to maintain a welcoming atmosphere. Each day consisted of a lot of play and no structure. It did not take long for me to see that I needed structure of some kind in order to keep things running smoothly. I began doing this by researching different activities I could implement at home that were cost effective and easy to do. I continued on with this strategy for several years. This system seemed to work for me, but it was difficult to keep up with purchasing supplies each week, and I struggled to find time searching online to find different different projects at home.

Therefore, I made the decision to try something new. I had several children that were getting older, and I knew they would soon be transitioning into kindergarten. I wanted to make sure the kids were ready for their transition, so I began looking for preschool programs online. I struggled with the idea of finding affordable preschool programs. Everything I found had activities that did not seem any better than what I was already doing.

After several weeks of looking, I came across Mother Goose Time (MGT) curriculum. I was amazed at the level of professionalism their curriculum held. The materials were individually packaged for each day which contained most of the items I would need for each lesson. I also liked that it came with a teacher's guide. This made teaching easy, and fun for the children. The activities, music and lessons were engaging for the students.

Needless to say, this has been a  journey for me. I have learned that in order to maintain a professional environment. I need to make sure that the materials I present are geared towards learning with an end goal. Each MGT lesson is prepared to allow each student to learn basic concepts and it includes physical activities to keep them engaged toward learning.

My kids have learned so much in the little time I have been using these products. MGT simplifies my learning lessons, and keeps the kids engaged in learning throughout the process.


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