Saturday, July 25, 2015

Painting Trees!

Getting ready to search the outdoor area using a magnifying glass to investigate different colors. 

L is investigating the blades of grass. He said the blades of grass increase in size when you look through the glass.

L is investigating a green leaf.

C is looking at a dandelion through her magnifying glass!

L is painting a tree trunk, so we can play a game.

Playing a game called "Spin and Paint". Each child spins for a color, then paints a flower in using the same color. 

Each child placed a piece of paper on a shadow, traced it, then filled the shadow using paint. 

Using items from nature to paint a collage!

L is using a green leaf to paint.

L is proud of her work.

D is creating a tree trunk using tape.

I made a mini water table for the kiddos!

Splashing in the pool!

Making mud pies!

The kids learned how to identify different colors, and used their fine motor skills by tracing different objects. They even applied physical science skills during times of exploration.

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