Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Building with Trees!

Dance time is playtime!

Searching the topic poster to see what we could use as building materials.

Calling out shapes, and inviting a child to search for that shape. D is looking for a rectangle.

M is looking for a square. He learned that the side of a cube has a square shape.

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Singing "Building with Wood" and mimicking the actions to each verse. C is dancing to the part when the hammer goes up and down. 

What are different parts of a tree? The children learned the wood part of the tree is called a trunk.  They also learned that some trees have a lot of branches and some of them don't.

Placing foam shapes onto different parts of the tree!

K loves playing with her foam shapes.

Making pictures of leaf animals! I asked the children what kind of animal they would like to make and poured glue in that same shape. Then, the children glued leaves and branches to create their animals.

Dance break!

Making pine cone feeders! The children learned they could use pine cones to make bird feeders.

L is proud of his pine cone bird feeder!

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