Monday, August 31, 2015

Breathing in the Air!

What parts of your body help you breath? 

The children are running as fast as they can, so they can see what happens to their breath.

The children are exploring with feathers.

Now they are blowing feathers across the floor. They are trying to blow hard and soft breaths.

The kids like to run with their feathers!

Air Detectives! What can you smell in the air? The children are exploring outside what they can hear and smell in nature.They are using their 5 senses to discover invisible air.

They are closing their eyes to hear the nature sounds outdoors. M hears a bird chirping.
M is sticking out his tongue to taste the air!

C is exploring the leaves!

The kids are running to get their hearts pumping again!

Good Smell, Bad Smell! The children are discussing their favorite smells and dangers of air pollution. 

I set out an arrangement of assorted dry flowers and scented peach oil for the children to collect. Then, they filled their bags with potpourri of nature items and put a few drops of scented oil in each bag. 

The children liked their bags of potpourri. They all enjoyed the fresh flowery scents of their bags. 

Mother Goose Time

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Flying in the Air!

The kids searched the theme poster to find  things that fly in the air. M found an airplane.

D located a kite on the theme poster. 

C said a bird is flying in the air.

The children are playing a game called, "Fly Away Bird". Each child rolls a die and adds feathers to a bird. 

C and K enjoyed counting the dots and feathers.

M loves to count! 2, 3, 4, 5

K and E are getting ready to play a game called "Flying Disc".

They are exploring by rolling and tossing their paper plates.

Each child decorated their paper plates. Now it is time to make our discs.

E is decorating his plate too. 

M is proud of his flying disc.

Now the kids are trying to make their very own paper airplane.

I modeled how to make the paper plane step by step. L made hers almost perfectly. 

C is trying to make her own plane. 

I helped K make a paper airplane. Now she is ready to take it for a test flight.

E decided to crawl across the finish line. 

Flying Discs!

Overall, I believe the children had fun exploring and making things that can fly. They agreed that flying is a lot of fun. They also enjoyed playing the bird game as well. Even the little ones enjoyed rolling the die and counting feathers.
Mother Goose Time

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Writing with Trees!

K is trying to see if she can write with a piece of bark. She discovered that it did not color the paper, but it left a deep mark.
C is sharing a story about his drawing. 

L is using a piece of bark to paint a picture.

Each child is covering the letters on their game board with oranges (bingo chips). Then, I took turns calling out a group of letters. Each player removed an orange when a letter called out matched a letter on their board. The first player to remove all of the oranges won the game.

C did a very good job covering each letter on her game board with oranges.

C counted his batch of oranges each time he would remove one from his board.

What shapes do you see in the trees? D said this tree had a shape of a triangle.

The children are using nature items to create letters and shapes. D made a letter "U" with her leaves.

E is soaking up some sun.

This children are getting ready for a nature walk, so they can gather bark, leaves, and twigs.

L discovered leaves with holes in them. The kids then discussed how the holes may have been created. They concluded that a caterpillar must have ate through the leaves.

C discovered a tiny lady bug on a leaf.

Every child took turns drawing a picture of themselves in a tree.

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!

Discuss: D wrote a short story about her picture.

K did very well drawing a picture and writing about it.

Nice work kiddos! Until next time....
Mother Goose Time