Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Dancing to the circle time song!

Today, I introduced the letter A house piece. We discovered there are a lot of things that begin with the letter A. Ant begins with the letter A. One of the children said her mom's name starts with the letter A too. 

C is helping M find the letter "M"  on the alphabet strip. 

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C found a cloud underneath the letter C.

The children and I had a discussion about addresses. They learned they can locate someones house by using their address.

K wanted to paint her house yellow.

The kids are building houses with blocks. 

L made a beautiful home with 2 triangular shaped walls.

D is busy at work building her home.

Building with letters! The children learned that homes can be built with brick, wood and stone. 

The kids are making new name tags.

The kids took turns sharing who lives in their homes. Then, they explored trying to estimate how many toys they can fit into various bins and baskets. They guessed they could fit 8 toys in the basket. 

The kids had fun trying to fit into the baskets.

This basket only fit two of them (barely).

L is looking for a dog house on the daily topic poster. 

D found a home for an owl in the tree.

The children learned that homes come in all shapes and sizes.

C found an orange blanket on the bed.

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