Friday, June 26, 2015

Doors & Windows

Dancing before circle time!

L is helping his brother tape on today's date.

L is explaining how we use doors and windows. He said, "We use doors to keep us safe inside our homes."

C said she likes doors. 

The children are taking turns reviewing the colors, and meaning of each feather.

The black feather says "helpful". The Spanish word for helpful is util!

I introduced the letter F today. Each child received 4 Popsicle sticks. Now, they are trying to make the letter F, and other letters with their sticks. 

L made the letter F.

C did very well trying to copy the letter F.

E wanted to touch the letter F.

L made a letter A.

C did very well making the letter E.

Singing "The door in the house" goes open and shut. 

The children are exploring with playing cards. They are trying to lean two cards together to form a roof.

Whoo hooo! L and C did it!

With a little help, M made a roof top too.

What rooms in your house have windows? Here, you see this kids trying to make a house out of a paper bag.

First, we have to stuff the house. We decided to use colored tissue paper.

What color of paper would you like to use for a roof? 

It is time to decorate our roof tops.

L drew hearts!

M is using scissors to cut out windows for his home.

C was having difficulties drawing straight lines for his window, so I gave him a ruler to help him make straight lines. He thought it was very useful.

C is proud of his work. He did a great job drawing and cutting out his windows. 

Playing a game called, "Guess Which Door"? I called out different features on a door (i.e. color, shape etc.). Then, the each child takes turns removing doors that do not match the clue. The children took turns flipping the remaining door over to see which type of animal was behind it. They took turns acting out the different animals. 

K found a purple door!

C is imitating an elephant.

What would happen if you lost a key?? Each child received a toy key, and playdoh. They are using the keys to make imprints in the playdoh.

L made 3 key imprints in her playdoh.

Overall, the children had fun, and enjoyed learning more about doors and windows. We learned that doors and windows are used to protect us while we are inside of our homes. We also learned that doors are used, so we can have privacy. This was another successful learning session with Mother Goose Time.

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