Friday, March 6, 2015

Connecting math with everyday learning!

This week we learned about dinosaur feet! We discovered that dinosaur feet were very large. They were so large that it took 5 or 6 of us standing to fill one dinosaur footprint that we made out of paper. We took off our shoes and socks to compare our own feet to see which ones were smaller and which ones were larger. We even counted our toes to see if we all had the same amount of toes as a dinosaur. We discovered that all of us had 5 toes on each foot. While the children were busy counting toes, some of them started to count their fingers and hands. I was amazed at their curiosity and how well they were counting. Even the toddlers started to display their counting skills aloud. These are just a few examples how a parent/caregiver can implement math learning into everyday activities using the Mother Goose Time curriculum.

Everyday, I like to look for other opportunities to teach my preschool kids math by asking them questions while they are drawing or coloring. I like to point out that they have 2 hearts on their page or that they have drawn a flower with 4 petals. I believe that using these strategies helps children become aware that math is all around them. My preschool kids have learned so much about math and exercise counting skills on a regular basis now. I thoroughly enjoy all that they have learned, and enjoy seeing them use these skills on a daily basis.